What’s on at Innerpeffray

The Library runs events throughout the year: exhibitions from the collection, talks and workshops inspired by the Library, and music and social events to raise funds for running costs and special projects. Find all the dates for your diary and a downloadable copy of our Footnotes newsletter on this page.

For tickets: Book online via the links given below, or tel. 01764 652819, email info@innerpeffraylibrary.co.uk.

If you are not able to visit us, we have a selection of videos to enjoy from your armchair on our website, bringing alive the collection with our Keeper of Books and Volunteers.

Download our latest newsletter below:

Dates for Your Diary

March 1st – 30thMadertie Month : free entry for all. Tours of the library are free all month long when
the library re-opens in March, in honour of our founder, who created Scotland’s first free lending library here in 1680. Madertie Month is sponsored by the Friends of Innerpeffray Library.
Thurs 20th March, 7pmUrsula Buchan : Beyond the Thirty-Nine Steps. The granddaughter of author John Buchan, Ursula Buchan is a popular public speaker and writer who has won awards for both books and journalism. Tickets £10, available here.
Wed 9th April, 7pmFriends of Innerpeffray Library AGM. The official business of the Friends AGM will be followed by a programme of music and readings, with actor Crawford Logan and musicians Joan Taylor and Peter Banks. Tickets: Friends members free, guests £10. Available here.
Sun 27th April, 3pmMorag Brown and Lewis Powell-Reid. An afternoon of acoustic instrumental music from Scotland to the Balkans and beyond, with sparkling improvisations and a joyful spontaneity that draws deeply from the wells of traditional repertoire. This concert is of special significance to Lewis as his grandfather, Ted Powell, was the fondly-remembered Keeper of Books at Innerpeffray from 1988 to the mid 2000s. Tickets: £15, Under-16s £5. Available here.
Fri 2nd May – Sat 31st MayReading Forms : Artist Exhibition. Locally-based textile artist Helen Gallogly, known for her costume textile design work on the Outlander drama series, presents a site-specific visual art project at Innerpeffray. The exhibition will display printed textile sculptures, positioned throughout the Library location, presenting new visual narratives investigating the site and the content of its collections. A launch event, artist’s talk and artist-led tours of the exhibition will take place over the course of the month of May. More details available soon.
Wed 14th May, 7pmThe Friends of Innerpeffray are delighted to welcome Mike Bullock OBE, Chief Executive of the Northern Lighthouse Board, to give a talk in the Old Schoolroom. Tickets £10, available soon.
Tues 24th June, 7pm‘Good Again’ : Viola da Gamba recital. A musical tour with a difference, Sarah Small is cycling from venue to venue to perform a programme of music ranging from the 17th century to the present day on the Viola da Gamba. Tickets available soon.
Thurs 10th July, 7pmThe Three Inch Fools present A Midsummer Night’s Dream. They’re back again! In their 10th anniversary year, the Fools present an outdoor performance of an audience favourite in the grounds of the Library. Tickets available here. Early Bird prices available until the end of March – book yours now!

2025 Exhibition – Book Marks

Our exhibition in 2025 celebrates books from our collection whose previous owners and readers have marked the books with their own observations, notes and drawings – adding to the history of the volumes and telling fascinating stories of their own.

Although you can’t borrow books at Innerpeffray any more, all books in the collection and exhibitions are available to read, so please do ask if you have an interest in a particular subject. Only our very fragile books are exceptions to this and our guides are always happy to assist.

In the schoolroom

Free entry, open during usual Library opening hours. Tea/Coffee available, and pre-loved books for sale (honesty box). Please note the schoolroom may be closed to accommodate private bookings and events, do call to check to avoid disappointment.

Private Events

If you would like to hold a private event at the Library, Schoolroom or both please do get in touch.  We are delighted to hold book launches, weddings, birthday treats and private tours outwith opening hours.