What we do

The main purpose and objective of the Friends of Innerpeffray Library – is to support the continuation of Innerpeffray Library and in doing so preserve an important part of Scotland’s Heritage. The Friends were founded in 1993 with the aim of generating funds to be used for the preservation of the fabric of the Library and the care and restoration of the books themselves. The Friends also offer support in many practical ways at Library events and work closely with the Keeper of Books and the Governors for the greater good of Innerpeffray Library.                      

Almost all of the money raised by the Friends is donated directly to the Innerpeffray Mortification, the charity that runs the Library. Subscriptions have always formed the core of this donation while events, talks and lectures raise awareness of the Library as well as vital funds.

Friends of Innerpeffray Library is a registered charity, Scottish Charity No: SC 023545

Email: Friends@innerpeffraylibrary.co.uk

Upcoming Events

We are delighted to announce a programme of events to raise funds for the Library, these can be seen below and also on the What’s On page, alongside the Library’s own events. Ticketed events can be booked via the What’s On page or through the Library. Working with the Library, we have structured a programme that will appeal to all ages; you are encouraged to support the events to help make this a great year for the Friends and the Library. Keep an eye on this page throughout the year for new events being announced.

On Wed 10th April the Friends held their Annual General Meeting . You can read the minutes of this meeting through the link below.

Friends Events coming up

Sunday 9th June  at 3pm in the Chapel—Rosenethe Singers present  Music for a Summer’s Day, a mixed programme including madrigals and Vaughan Williams. We are delighted to welcome the Rosenethe Singers back to Innerpeffray and this afternoon concert is sure to  be popular.

We also help with other events at Innerpeffray – you can see the whole programme on the What’s On page.

Dates for your diaries

We have concerts lined up for the summer months and some special events too. We are thrilled to announce that acclaimed cookery author Sue Lawrence  will return to Innerpeffray to talk about the special recipes she has incorporated into her newest book, inspired by Mrs MacIver’s Cookery and Pastry (1789) in the Innerpeffray collection.  This takes place on Saturday 28th September at 2pm. 

On 23rd October we hold the Ted Powell Memorial Lecture –  this year we are delighted to have more Innerpeffray research unveiled as Isla Macfarlane will be speaking about her PhD on Innerpeffray Visitors (a taste of this in the article about Beatrix Potter in this issue of Footnotes).

You may remember the concert of Scandanavian and Scottish music from Tern last summer: group member Miguel Girao will be performing his skilful blend of traditional and classical guitar music in the Chapel in August. We hope you give him a warm welcome back to Strathearn.

Best wishes from the Friends Committee,

How You can Help – Become a Friend

For a modest annual subscription you may join the company of like-minded people who are concerned for the on-going welfare of the Library. You will benefit from complimentary entry to the Library at any time during opening hours, and FOIL members may also attend the Ted Powell lecture in October without cost.

Subscription costs: Individual £25; Joint £40; Family £50 (Family = 2 adults and all children in the family under the age of 16); Life £250; Joint Life £400

If you wish to become a member of FOIL, you can contact our Membership Secretary, Iain Gilmour, by emailing friends@innerpeffraylibrary.co.uk. You can also pay or renew your subscription via the online Shop.

The Committee

The current members of the Honorary Committee are:

Officers:Committee Members:
Convenor: Joan TaylorCharles Crookshank
Hon Secretary: Kirsty MacdonaldIain Gilmour
Hon. Treasurer: Shona McLarenPamela Haggart 
Barbara McGarva
John Mauchline

The 2023 Annual General Meeting was held on 12th April and the Minutes can be downloaded below.

Contact FOIL

Send us an email, addressed to friends@innerpeffraylibrary.co.uk, or send us a message using a contact form by clicking here.