What we do
The main purpose and objective of the Friends of Innerpeffray Library – is to support the continuation of Innerpeffray Library and in doing so preserve an important part of Scotland’s Heritage. The Friends were founded in 1993 with the aim of generating funds to be used for the preservation of the fabric of the Library and the care and restoration of the books themselves. The Friends also offer support in many practical ways at Library events and work closely with the Keeper of Books and the Governors for the greater good of Innerpeffray Library.
Almost all of the money raised by the Friends is donated directly to the Innerpeffray Mortification, the charity that runs the Library. Subscriptions have always formed the core of this donation while events, talks and lectures raise awareness of the Library as well as vital funds.
Friends of Innerpeffray Library is a registered charity, Scottish Charity No: SC 023545
Email: Friends@innerpeffraylibrary.co.uk
Latest News
figuralchor Köln, A choral event at Fowlis Wester Church

Tuesday, 15th October at 7.30pm, Fowlis Wester Church, Tickets £15.00
A joint event between Friends of Innerpeffray Library & Mid Strathearn Churches. Last year I was asked by Elizabeth Schussel, daughter of Hannah Leckie one of our long-standing members, if her Choir, which is based in Köln could give a concert in the Chapel at Innerpeffray when they were on tour in Scotland. As the chosen date was the evening of 15th October I felt that the warmer surroundings of Fowlis Wester Church would be a better option. Funds raised through the concert will be shared equally between Mid Strathearn Churches and FOIL (Friends of Innerpeffray Library).
The figuralchor Köln was founded in 1986 by its conductor, Richard Mailänder. At present it consists of roughly 50 members. The choir’s repertoire is wide, ranging from Renaissance to contemporary, mainly sacred music. It has performed works such as Bach’s B minor mass as well as various world premieres. It has recorded CDs of Easter and Advent music and of English choral music. So far the figuralchor has been on concert tours in England, France, Italy, Poland, Austria and China. This is the choir’s first concert tour in Scotland.
The conductor Richard Mailänder was born in 1957 in Neunkirchen, Germany. He studied church music, musicology and history in Cologne. In 1987 he was appointed head of church music at the Archdiocese of Cologne. He was one of the main editors of the new edition of the Roman Catholic hymn book for German speaking countries and is the author and editor of numerous books and articles on church music, in particular on the history of hymns and vocal work with choirs. He has been a lecturer at the Cologne Conservatory of Music since 2000. He was awarded an honorary professorship by the Cologne Conservatory in 2013.
What a tremendous evening we had with the choir, thank you for all your support.
Best wishes
Joan Taylor, Convenor
Also coming soon—save the dates!
Carols for Innerpeffray—Sat 30th Nov (in the Library) Sun 1st Dec (in the Chapel)
There will be a Scottish theme to the Carols in the Library which takes place on St Andrews day this year, and the traditional Carols in the Chapel will take place on the Sunday. Tickets available now
Tickets, priced £15.00, will be available online through the Library website soon.
We also help with other events at Innerpeffray – you can see the whole programme on the What’s On page.
Best wishes from the Friends Committee,
How You can Help – Become a Friend
For a modest annual subscription you may join the company of like-minded people who are concerned for the on-going welfare of the Library. You will benefit from complimentary entry to the Library at any time during opening hours, and FOIL members may also attend the Ted Powell lecture in October without cost.
Subscription costs: Individual £25; Joint £40; Family £50 (Family = 2 adults and all children in the family under the age of 16); Life £250; Joint Life £400
If you wish to become a member of FOIL, you can contact our Membership Secretary, Iain Gilmour, by emailing friends@innerpeffraylibrary.co.uk. You can also pay or renew your subscription via the online Shop.
The Committee
The current members of the Honorary Committee are:
Officers: | Committee Members: |
Convenor: Joan Taylor | Charles Crookshank |
Hon Secretary: Kirsty Macdonald | Iain Gilmour |
Hon. Treasurer: Shona McLaren | Pamela Haggart |
Barbara McGarva | |
John Mauchline |
The 2023 Annual General Meeting was held on 12th April and the Minutes can be downloaded below.
Contact FOIL
Send us an email, addressed to friends@innerpeffraylibrary.co.uk, or send us a message using a contact form by clicking here.