Virtual Tours of Innerpeffray Library
If you are not able to visit Innerpeffray you can take an armchair tour of the Library and its collection with our Tours with the Keeper. When Lord Madertie founded the library he stated that it should be ‘for the benefit of all’ and the collection has been available to visitors for 340 years. To keep alive the Founder’s aim and some degree of continuity of access we have decided to create an occasional series of virtual tours of the library. New tours will be added as time and resources permit.
Each of the available tours is listed below. To view a tour simply click on the picture beside the description to be linked to the video. If you enjoy the tour and would like to make a donation to assist us in keeping the Library going click here and you will be directed to our on-line shop where you may ‘purchase’ an e-ticket for each tour viewed.
We have found that using Safari can cause some glitches in the videos: we are working on remedying this, meanwhile you may wish to use another browser.

The Ted Powell Memorial Lecture 2022 explores the history of the early Keepers at Innerpeffray. Click on the title slide opposite to view the talk.

The Walk to Innerpeffray
Enjoy a virtual walk to Innerpeffray in winter accompanied by the words of a poem by CM Strong. This film produced for Innerpeffray by Mousehole Films highlights the wildlife and landscape to be seen in the colder months.

An Introduction to Innerpeffray
Watch this Tour with the Keeper for an overview of the Library’s history and a look inside one of the Keeper’s favourite books. Click on the picture to start.

Favourite Books Part 1
Three of Innerpeffray’s volunteer guides share readings from their favourite books. A varied selection including a 18th century travel book, a 17th century poem about squirrels and a 16th century French book that belonged to our Founder’s family. Click the picture to view the film.

Man’s Best Friend – The Dog
Dogs have been companion to man for centuries: in this Tour we look at what some of the early books have to say on raising and housing hunting hounds. Explore different types from shepherd dog to lapdogs, as well as bringing the breeds up to date with the retriever. Click on the picture to view the tour.

The Royal and Ancient game of Golf is one of Scotland’s most popular sports – but how did it all begin? Books at Innerpeffray record the advent of golf to Crieff which arrived in the town even before the creation of the nearby prestigious golfing venue of Gleneagles. The tour also explores the historical context and many anecdotes about the development of the sport, and will appeal to golfers and non-golfers alike. Click on the golfer picture to view the tour.

A Garden and A Library
One of the most popular subjects in our collection at Innerpeffray is Gardening – this tour again blends some local history with a look at the books. Browse through early gardening books, including The Scots Gardner, Scotland’s first gardening book, published in 1683, imagine the lost garden of Innerpeffray Castle, and see the amazing Drummond Castle Gardens nearby through the diary kept by the Head Gardener there from 1890. Join the Keeper for a glimpse inside some of these treasures.
There’s more in the shop: take home your own copy of The Scots Gardner, and read about Lost Gardens of Perthshire and More Lost Gardens of Perthshire.

A Yule Story for the festive season. Click on the picture to listen to Stars, by George Mackay Brown.

Christmas from Innerpeffray
Sadly we had to cancel the 2020 and 2021 Carols from Innerpeffray but we are pleased to bring you a virtual event with the spirit of our annual festive event. This broadcast combines a selection of recorded songs, music and readings from Friends of the Library. It includes musicians Peter Banks, Peter Grant, Michelle Sheridan-Grant and Joan Taylor and readings from local school pupils and members of the FOIL Committee.
Click on the picture to start – please be patient to allow the video to load.
If you enjoy these tours and would like to make a donation to assist us in keeping the Library going click here and you will be directed to our on-line shop where you may ‘purchase’ an e-ticket for each tour viewed.