The Innerpeffray Appeal
Can you help us secure Innerpeffray’s future?

The Library of Innerpeffray is a very special place. It was founded 340 years ago as Scotland’s first free public lending library: a radical idea at the time, but one that went on to revolutionise the accessibility of information and knowledge for everyone.
Today the Library is a museum, still open to all. We share the story of this unique place and the books that changed the lives of the local people of Strathearn over three centuries of reading history, and we support researchers and students. Most of all, visiting the beautiful surroundings in rural Perthshire is a journey of discovery, it is a place to relax and absorb the history and tranquillity.

Like so many places this year, the Library had to close its doors for four months in the busiest season, losing the vital income from visitors and events that keep us afloat. The future of this amazing place is at risk.
We are very grateful to our supporters, who make such an important difference to Innerpeffray. Since we closed the doors this support has enabled us to develop new digital ways to ensure that we can continue to share our stories and treasures online, like the video tours.
However, the loss of these key funds and the change to visitors patterns for the future will put this all in jeopardy and damage our ability to
- Preserve and protect the books, buildings and landscape in our care
- Sustain the Library and ensure that we can continue to be open for visitors in a safe, secure and engaging way
- Secure the future of the Library so that we can continue to provide access to the collection through tours, talks, exhibitions and events

We want this Scottish cultural heritage treasure to be here in another 340 years.
Can you help?
A donation of any size will make a big difference to our future now.
If you pay UK tax, we can claim Gift Aid on your donation, making worth an extra 25% at no cost to you, just let us know.
There are many ways to make a gift – choose what suits you best – or call and speak to Lara.
Send us a cheque: Please make it payable to Innerpeffray Library, and send to the Library, Innerpeffray, Crieff, PH7 3RF
Buy something from the Shop which you can do online or call us for a mail order list and order form.
To say thank you a random three donors will be sent a special Innerpeffray goodie bag.
Innerpeffray is a Scottish Charity SC013843
Tel: 01764 652819
Images on this page by Murdo McLeod, George Logan, Duncan McEwan.