Wednesday 9th September – 7.30 pm David Robertson – The Lost Country Houses of Perthshire
Perthshire has long been a county of large agricultural and sporting estates, most of them graced with fine mansion houses. However, the last 150 years has seen the loss of more than 50 of these large mansions – demolished, burnt down or simply abandoned. In this talk, David Robertson will take a fresh look at the history of some of these lost country houses and of the families who lived in them. His talk will be well illustrated with a fine selection of old picture postcards, photographs and paintings.
After retiring from a career in management consultancy, David Robertson turned his hand to writing about the heritage of Perthshire – a County with which he has strong family connections. Working closely with his brother Ian, he has now had seven books published since 2010, including two on the “Lost Gardens of Perthshire”, another on the “ Historic Trees of Perthshire”, and most recently two more on the subject of today’s talk, the “Lost Country Houses of Perthshire”.