The meeting – In Conversation with Sally Magnusson – originally scheduled for Wednesday 22nd April, 7.30 pm, has been postponed due to the coronavirus emergency
Focussing on Sally’s career and writing Gillian Wade will chat to Sally about her latest book “The Ninth Child”.

Sally Magnusson is the daughter of the broadcaster and writer Magnus Magnusson and his wife Mamie Baird. She graduated from the University of Edinburgh and began her career in journalism at The Scotsman newspaper in Edinburgh and then the Sunday Standard in Glasgow.She progressed to on screen broadcasting, most notably as a long-serving presenter of BBC Scotland’s Reporting Scotland.
Magnusson is the author of numerous publications including the children’s book Horace and the Haggis Hunter, which was illustrated by her husband, Norman Stone.
Her latest novel “The Ninth Child” will be published shortly before the event and will be available for purchase.
All tickets for this event £10.00. Refreshments served in the Schoolroom from 7.00 pm
The meeting will be held in St Mary’s Chapel, Innerpeffray. The Chapel can be cold at this time of year, so please remember to dress warmly.